• New version 1.01 out now!! If you find trying to work out render times in your head annoying, then you need Calc My Render. It very simply helps you work out roughly how long a render will take by putting in an average frame render time and the total number of frames to be rendered.... Simple, but useful! Also Calc My Render is completely free. Just add it to your basket and checkout. Don't worry you don't have to pay anything!
  • A model of an Arcade Cabinet without textures. Check out the tutorial for details on how to texture it!
  • A model of the Xbox One that I created by eye from images released of the Xbox One before it actually came out! This means it may not be 100% acurate but I think it was a pretty good go at it! Anyway, its yours to do with what you like. A credit for use would always be nice though.
  • A model of a USB Memory Stick for Cinema 4D.
  • This is a simple model of a wooden toy car. It is assembled with individual pieces. They are intentionally a little rough cut and not 100% perfect shapes. Feel free to modify it and tweak it until your heart is content. Use it how you wish and a credit is always nice.
  • A high quality model of a monitor speaker for Cinema 4D. Fully Textured and setup with sound effectors so that the Woofer and Tweeter move to a sound file! Simply expand the model and add your sound file to the two sound effectors then the tweeter will move with the high notes and the woofer will move with the low notes.
  • A high quality model of a Dartboard for Cinema 4D. It also comes with darts so you can just go ahead and create some cool looking darty type scenes! All fully textured and ready. Check out the video to see the models in action.
  • This is a high quality fully accurate and detailed 3D model of the Cort MBC-1 Electric Guitar. It is free to download and works with Cinema 4D